“All your children will be taught by the Lord, and they will have much peace.” – Isaiah 54:13

“Never underestimate the ponderings of a Christian parent. Never underestimate the power that comes when a parent pleads with God on behalf of a child. Who knows how many prayers are being answered right now because of the faithful ponderings of a parent 10 or 20 years ago? God listens to thoughtful parents.

Praying for our children or grand children is a noble task. If what we are doing, in this fast paced society, is taking us away from prayer time for our children, we are doing too much. There is nothing more special, more precious that the time that a parent spends struggling and pondering with God on behalf of a child.”

From the Devotional book: “Grace for the Moment”
Page 468
Author: Max Lucado
Thomas Nelson Publishers
ISBN 978-1-4041-1374-9

Published by Wayne Comer

I’m Wayne Comer, an independent contract software engineer and computer software consultant. I am a christian and attend church at Third Baptist Church in Murfreesboro, TN, also known as 3BC. I’m married to Kathleen since 1992 and I have 1 grown and married daughter, Shay. I have lived in Murfreesboro, TN most of my life and when time permits I love to bike, canoe, hike, and go camping with my wife. Golf and Baseball are my 2 favorite sports... well, besides fishing.


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